Play & Learn Preschool
About Us
Contact Us

1567 Pilgrim Drive Stow, Ohio       330-688-7872
 The primary goals of our three year old class are to give each child the opportunity to develop socialization skills interacting with peers and adults and limited structured teacher-directed times. The three’s classes include age-appropriate learning experiences.

  • Children should be three years old by August 1: individual exceptions may be made on a case by case basis.

  • Average class size is twelve students with two teachers present at all times

  • Tuition of 130.00 paid monthly. A non-refundable $30.00 registration fee is required at time of registration.

  • Registrations for the current school year as well as for 2025/2026 are being accepted now.   

  • Ask about referral discounts

  • Classes meet Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 9:15 -11:45 

Special Events
  • Monthly visits from a Stow Librarian                                              
  • Halloween costume party
  • Christmas party
  • Tea Party Day                                    Check out our Facebook Page
  • Mother Goose Day                                
  • Valentine Day party                                 playandlearnpreschool
  • Carnival Day
The Terrific Threes

We invite prospective students and families to visit our school.

Call for an

Now taking registrations for 2025/2026